Is masturbation good for our health?

 Hi friends, So how do I come to this topic as I had written in my bio that I will solve our day to day problems and I think masterbation is not good for our health and it affects our emotinal, physical and spiritual health. So,we should talk about that because no one is talking about it in indian society.

As talking about sex in indian society is taboo and someone has to talk about it because masterbation and sexual desire harm us daily in one or the other ways.

Especially teenager don't know that is it good to do it or not because after doing it they feel guilty and tired. So that they did something wrong and that is the truth we ejaculated something which can give birth to a baby so, one thing is clear that we lost lots of energy in it as it is said that 60 drops of blood makes one drop of seman(energy wise).

Many doctors says that it's okay to masterbate but excessive masterbation might affect you but if you got addiction of masterbation then what? ( in most cases men's get addicted to it). But in spiritual study many people said that is very important to not do masterbation till the age of 25 and after that someone can continue it but till 25 it important not to masterbate.

In some sense it's true that no fap gives your extra energy and when you don't ejaculate than energy go to your brain and it give boost to you in many fields like yours sports will improve, your work efficiency will increase, you become more focused and ofcourse your endurance and stamina will rise and besides that new spiritual aspects will open up. 

There are many benefits of no fap or no masterbation but people will ask that it give relaxation and pleasure. So, I have to tell that's for very short period of time and there are many ways to relax besides masterbation then people will ask that ok so tell us how to stop it completely?

So, in this I will give you 5 ways of no fap or no masterbation: 

1. Religious activities: As one of the most effective method to no fap is to adopt religious activities in you day to day life like wake up in the morning and start praying to God or any other time and read some religious books that makes your mind clean and away from triggers of masterbation.

2. Higher purpose: There should be higher purpose in your life like what you should want to do with your life and it should be big so that you don't get time to involve in lusty desires and at starting  goals should be practical so that continuity will be maintained.

3. Good friends circle : There is a saying that "you are the average of your best 5 friends" and another one is "your vibe attracts your tribe". So, be good and make your friends good it works vice-versa. So, we should choose ours 5 best friends wisely so that we don't go in wrong direction.

4. Workout: As engagement of mind makes it clean from dirty thoughts and that's how you can say bye to masterbation and to make this a habit you should have to do this for 21 days for better results and it is also important because when you got extra energy then you have to put it in right direction and workout is very good investment of energy for yourself.

5.Awareness: This is the most important point as awareness and education is crucial because sex may be most important thing in your life but when you do self realisation and fully aware about yourself then you know that sex is the only used for just giving a birth and not for own pleasure.

For example: if someone had sex with the most beautiful women in this world even than after 5 days, 15 days or 1 month he will urges for sex. So, there is no end it's an addiction but when you know about your purpose of life then lusty desires comes to there place and become less important in your life.


  1. Much informative buddy !! Keep it up πŸ€—

  2. Nice work by bringing light to this topic πŸ‘πŸ‘

  3. Well that's a very informative content you have covered, may it reach out to others who need,
    Good jobπŸ‘

    1. Thanks that's gives me boost to work better πŸ™πŸ™


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