How to make a girlfriend?

Hi, I am a simple indian boy and I would like to share something with you. This is my first blog and i have to choose a topic for my blog and that's how I come to this. Every guy is facing one problem in teenage that is how to make a girlfriend?

When I was in my teenage I did lots of mistakes like to approach a girl at a wrong time and did very late to tell my

Now, one thing is for sure that having a girlfriend is not easy especially for a teenage  boy who don't have good looks but that's not true. So, in this I will give you 5 tips to have girlfriend easily even if you don't have good looks.

Tip 1: community , As your group matters a lot in school or college as your friends helps a lot to find a friend for you and ultimately she becomes your girlfriend after some time so, choose your group wisely. 

Tip2: communication, As communication helps you a lot how you present your words with your  opinions is important give others chance to give especially those who don't speak in your group and you also speck in a kind way but your voice should be like deep and loud enough that it will make impact on other person.

Tip3: Don't involve in fights that will degrade your personality and you looks like immature try to solve problems with words.

Tip4: Make yourself comfortable with a girl you like don't become shy in front of your girl that will give a message to a girl that everything is normal and try to do things that increases your comfort with girl

Tip5 : Don't say I love you ever in starting that will be a big blunder may be it works but in most cases girl will avoid you or make an excuse of something and will not give you answer so, try to build comfort level and says I love you is worthless because it's a thing to feel not to just say 3 words.

So, I hope you like my first blog.


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