
Showing posts from August, 2021

Do everything.... But take the name of god and follow him..

 Hare krishna hare krishna. Krishna krishna hare hare.. Hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare..  Good evening, boys and girls of my age and even older than me.  Today I learnt that do whatever you want you wanna cheat someone or you wanna do politics or anything else but do it for dharma and now question arises what is dharma now dharma can be different for everyone and according to situations like if someone is starving before you what is your dharma and if your father is ill what is your dharma you know what is your dharma give food to starving person and medical aid to your father that is the dharma.  Dharma can be defined by inner self or you have to thing what your children will think or your unborn child will think about it you got the answer.  Take krishna on your side you will win every time, every single day, every single moment your are winning even it's not in your favour but you don't know what is in your favor because you can't see the future krishna knows be